
Posts Tagged ‘tragedy’

I had this conversation yesterday at a training seminar with some dude. Comments?
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Some Dude: “Bacteria don’t cause disease.”

Me: “huh.”

“Bacteria, they’re usually harmless, even helpful.”

“yeah? I know people who’ve had cholera and malaria.”

“Nah, bacteria grow into pathogenic forms when a tissue becomes too high pH, otherwise they’re harmless or helpful for digestion. It’s a conspiracy. Modern medicine has been blocking real research into the cause of disease and making money off of things like antibiotics and vaccines.”

“Wait, those are two different things.”

“No, its true. We don’t really cure anything with chemicals, our own body does the work.”

“Depends on what you mean by cure, right?”

“Time is the only thing our body needs to repair itself, the immune system does the work, not some synthetic poison. These chemicals are poison and cause cancer or worse and the industry pollutes the environment with them. Look at chemotherapy, the treatment’s worse that the disease.”

“Yeah, but people still die of disease, have always died of disease. Yeah the immune system’s great, but far from perfect. I’m still not getting were you get that bacteria don’t cause disease.”

“Exactly. Even with these chemicals, people still die. People have shown that Pasteur lied about his research. Some have shown that the pH of tissues is the real cause of disease and that too high acidity invites the bacteria to become pathogenic. Tissue pH is the root cause and the bacteria are a scapegoat.”

“OK, diphtheria, we vaccinate for it now and its not really often seen anymore in the US, but its like a plague in countries with poor water sanitation and no vaccination programs. Tissue pH? Do you know about homeostasis?”

“It’s made up, The data’s all put together by the same groups that have been illegalizing real, traditional methods for treatment. These have been known for centuries in communities: herbal remedies, acupuncture and massage that work to push the immune system to fix what’s out of balance. Now we really only have one choice.”

“Diphtheria toxin is made by the bacteria, its deadly. In a sick person or animal you can take the bacteria or even isolate just the toxin. You can take either of these and cause the same disease in a healthy animal. Part of what makes it dangerous is its method of infection: it binds to a special nuclear protein that helps produce other proteins that make life possible. Without this working properly nothing works and the cells die. Immune system cells too. This is in contrast to the pH, but I’m still not sure exactly what you mean about that. Changes in pH can denature proteins and too great a change in blood either way most definitely will kill you, but this is different. And there are bacteria that love extremes of both as well, so–“

“That’s just what they say, just parroting corporate taglines: “I’m lovin’ it”. “

Yeah, uh, well look at the time…….”

“Corporate greed will always own us, unless we change and limit our reliance on these unnecessary methods.”

“….Yeah ok…..That’s fine, I’m probably with you on limiting corporate influence, but not with the disease issue. There’s nothing special about herbal remedies, they’re full of known chemicals as well. Take aspirin, this was an herbal remedy before, but now we’ve identified what it is and how it works. Besides, herbal remedies are interventions in the same way medicines are, as far as the immune system is concerned.”

“That’s what I mean. They control us with our want to have these chemicals, they control the production of them and who can sell them. They’re even trying to control who can produce food and what kind they can produce. Its all written down in the Codex Allimentarus.”

“Well, you want to make your own aspirin? —-You could too, but I still wouldn’t buy it from you, no offense.”

“It was just willow bark extract and we can’t even make that now.”

“Yeah, but no one is stopping you from making it for yourself. Just from selling a shitty and probably dangerous product to others. A couple of years ago, there was this incident where Bayer had an impurity where cyanide was left in the product and a bunch of people died. They got sued hard and almost lost their pants. The same can’t be said of suing you though, your khakis aren’t worth that much.”

“We still have to pay them for it and are still tied to their company. It’s not needed and there’s a better way to live. Especially without them controlling us in that way. We don’t need to have a system designed to exploit us, only for them to make a profit. We shouldn’t have to live like cattle.”

“Control isn’t the word I would choose, but yeah there is a way to live without it. I haven’t made up my mind if its “better”, but we could just live with the headache. Other things aren’t the same, though. If we’re talking about certain vaccinations, like the flu then maybe, but others I wouldn’t agree, like polio or the DPT. I couldn’t risk my kid’s lives that way, too much like taking them on a drag race or…”

“Vaccinations are full of side effects they don’t tell us about, they lie about. You’re risking your kids in that way too.”

“Are you talking about the ADHD scare a while ago?”

“That’s one of them, but now the only one. They cover up the dangers of using them. Stevens-Johnson syndrome is from taking too many antibiotics, it destroys your skin, burns the skin right off.”

“CDC’s webpage offers a listing of all known side effects of the vaccines, especially the rare ones. There probably are instances where they might have covered up data or just not released it, but the fact is that side effects from them are rare. There are side effects for every medicine, though, and for the most part this information is available. I guess that part of a cover up would be that its hard to find what you’re looking for in a mountain of data, in which case that makes it a perception issue……Stevens-Johnson, Is that an autoimmune disease?

“yeah, I think so, I’m not sure what kind of–probably.”

“Those kind of diseases are where the body’s own immune system develops antibodies against a tissue. Lupus is another one, probably better known. Oh, and Rheumatic arthritis is the same. The tissues or WBCs lose the ability to tell friend from foe and attack the tissue thinking its enemy cells. But I don’t think those are caused by taking antibiotics or drugs, not usually at least. Stevens-Johnson?”

“Yeah…..Its never lupus.”

“Poor Dr. House.”

“Heh, hold on a sec–phone’s browser is a little slow….Google says fewer than 300 in the US yearly. We are becoming cyborgs! Probably that high, because of our ‘drug habit’. … But that wasn’t really your point, though— how many? It was that there are side effects?”

“Yeah, and that they do more harm than good most times with a hidden cost of making us dependent on a third party. My sister has heart problems and we found out that the medication will kill her eventually anyway.”

“Jeez, I’m sorry to hear that…”

“Us too.”

“….you still want to talk about it?”

“It’s fine.”

“I bet the Carp are going to Okinawa for training this year?”


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